Wild on Books - Book Reviews



No Longer His

Carol Lynne















Ellora’s Cave

Release Date:
September 26, 2008

Contemporary Romance


Bookmark Rating:

Reviewed by
Natalie S.

Review Posted:
October 2008


Kelly is your typical stay at home mom. She is in charge of the house and the kids and in between she gets knocked around by her hateful and overbearing husband.  When she and her family go on a vacation to visit her husband’s cousin, Kelly meets Sam, a man who she finds herself wishing and wondering what it would be like to be held in his arms.  Months later, Kelly finds out exactly what it feels like.  She has returned to California and her husband’s cousin.  Only this time her visit is not for pleasure, it is to recover from her now incarcerated husband’s last abuse. 

Sam has loved Kelly since seeing her picture so long ago.  When he meets her for the first time face to face he is concerned and sick at heart at what he notices.  Other people might not realize it but Sam instinctively knows that Kelly is a battered wife and it makes Sam sick to know that she is going to stay with him for the sake of her children.  Kelly is never far from Sam’s thoughts and when the day comes for him to pick her and her children up at the airport, his heart sings for the beautiful, if somewhat hesitant and timid woman he knows and loves.  He plans on making her see that not all men are violent, some cherish and love their wives.  He knows in order to convince her of his intentions, she has to trust him.  And that will be the biggest challenge of all.   

I can always count on Carol Lynne to not pull any punches in any story that she writes.  NO LONGER HIS is such a novel.  Written in such a way that I can see Kelly’s foul husband and the abusive way in which he treats her so realistically in my mind that even I hated him.  I wanted him to die and I wanted him to die painfully. 

Kelly’s characterization was, again, very well written. As with most women who are battered, Kelly stayed with her husband for her children.  She yearned for Sam and his gentleness but her trust was gone.  It takes a brave man to accept and plan for the future, especially where Kelly was concerned.  Not knowing what she wanted to do and very hesitant to start a relationship that could get her back in the same boat she just escaped from was first and foremost in her mind.  Kelly was uncertain of her feelings for Sam but Sam’s love for her, however, was not uncertain. It was in every smile and look he gave her.  He pretty much made me swoon more than once.  Every girl loves a knight in shining armor and Sam was it for Kelly. 

NO LONGER HIS touches upon the very controversial subject of spousal abuse but Carol Lynne handled it brilliantly and with grace.  From beginning to end I felt a part of the story.  I cried with Kelly and I rejoiced with Sam.  NO LONGER HIS touched my heart in more ways than I can state and I truly think it is the best book Carol Lynne has ever released.

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Ellora’s Cave:

No Longer His by Carol Lynne














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