Wild on Books - Book Reviews



Immortal Warrior

Lisa Hendrix
















Release Date:
November 4, 2008

Historical Romance
Paranormal Romance


Bookmark Rating:
4 1/2 Bookmarks!

Reviewed by
Jennifer Ray

Review Posted:
August 2008


Two hundred years ago, a crew of Vikings was cursed by an evil sorceress.  Doomed to spend eternity alternating between an animal form half the day and their human selves the other half, these men muddle through time longing for a cure, a home, and maybe even love and a family of their own.

Now Ivo has a chance – at least for part of it – when his king orders him to take Lady Alaida as his wife, securing his hold on her family’s lands.  Ivo knows it can’t last long, but he is determined to enjoy it for the short time that he can before his dual life is discovered.  He spends his days as an eagle and his nights with Alaida as a man, finding happiness with his beautiful bride.

But treachery lurks in their midst, and if Ivo wants to hold on to that happiness, he must protect his wife from all threats.  Easier said than done when his curse separates him from Alaida every daylight hour…

What better way to write a tortured hero than with a seemingly unbreakable curse that prevents him any hope of having a normal life?  Lisa Hendrix has the right of it with her new paranormal romance series led by IMMORTAL WARRIOR.

I’ll admit it; I fell for every single one of the Viking heroes she introduces in this story – Brand, Ari, and of course the star of IMMORTAL WARRIOR, Ivo.  My heart broke for every one of them as they struggled with their mutual problem.

Yet there was hope, too.  Even before they knew there was a real way to break the curse that has plagued them for centuries, each man discovered some measure of personal hope as Ivo finds a home and family, however temporary it may be.  Through Ivo, the other men experience his happiness vicariously, and work to help him live the moment to its fullest before he must abandon his home and wife forever.

Ivo himself struggles with that hope as his fear of losing everything grows exponentially with his happiness in this new life.  He wants this home, his bride, and everything that comes with them with every fiber of his being, but the knowledge that he must lose it all soon makes him reluctant to relax and enjoy the joy he finds.

Alaida is just enough of a spitfire to liven up Ivo’s monotonous existence.  This Lady’s sharp wit has the ability to cut a man where it counts, but her caring nature stops her just short of being shrewish.  She uses that biting tongue when necessary, keeping at bay the scalawags who besiege her after her Grandfather’s arrest.  That’s not to say she doesn’t use it to keep Ivo on his toes, but looking at it the situation from her perspective, Ivo deserves it.  Despite the secrets she knows he keeps from her, she can’t help but falling in love with this man when he proves himself so different from all other, treating her with respect and consideration.  If only he would tell her how he spends his days away from her…

As the story wraps, the author delivered some very unexpected twists that really escalated my estimation of the plot.  I’d enjoyed the story all along, but the ending – wow!  Lisa Hendrix took me completely off-guard with the conclusion and I loved every minute of it.

IMMORTAL WARRIOR is a gripping paranormal romance that will be sure to resonate with romance readers.  I expect both this book and its sequels to find their way on the must-buy lists of book lovers everywhere!



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