Wild on Books - Book Reviews



Shifters: Bonding Experience

Cora Zane














Cobblestone Press

Release Date:
August 2006

Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance Erotic


Bookmark Rating:

Reviewed by
Jennifer Ray

Review Posted:
April 2008


Claire’s world is sent into a tailspin when she receives the mating contract from her pack leader. It has to be a joke. Surely the mating contract doesn’t have the name of her long time nemesis, Luke Roman, on it! Determining it must be a mistake or a cruel joke, Claire sets off to contact the pack leader and render the contract null. 

But Luke finds her before she finds the pack leader and is equally intent on keeping the mating contract intact and seeing it through. He has worked extremely hard to make Claire his, and won’t let her run away from him again. 

I loved this story, would like to see more by Cora Zane in the Shifters series.  A quick read at 67 pages, Zane was able to resolve almost everything in the story.  I do feel there were a few loose ends between Luke and Claire concerning their past. The author introduces several events in their past as explanations of Claire’s distrust of Luke, but when Claire is presented with the opportunity to find closure on these past incidents with Luke, she flounders, letting him off the hook without so much as an apology. That said, the omission did not detract from my enjoyment of the book, and I could not take points off for this slight omission. 

Luke fulfills every expectation of a hot alpha male werewolf. Seen through Claire’s eyes as an uncaring jerk at the beginning of the story, Zane quickly turns our opinion of Luke, along with Claire’s, by showing us his caring and vulnerable side. 

Unraveling the tale through Claire’s viewpoint, the author cleverly leads us through the story sharing Claire’s emotions. First, outraged by the seemingly thoughtless mating contract, then confusion and anger with Luke, and finally we come to love him as much as we see Claire has all along. 

If you enjoy stories about shape shifters, and sexy romances, then Bonding Experience is a must-read!


NoteThis review was originally written by Jennifer Ray for another review site.  It is being reposted at Wild on Books.


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Shifters: Bonding Experience by Cora Zane

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